
RecycFluo is Quebec's recycling program for mercury-containing fluorescent bulbs and tubes. The program offers consumers, industries, businesses, and institutions a free recycling service with more than 800 recycling locations across the province. Depending on quantities, a free direct pick-up service is also available.

Who manages the program?

The program is managed by Product Care Recycling , on behalf of the manufacturers, distributors and retailers of these products to fulfill their regulatory obligations., 

Product Care is the recognized management organization by RECYC-QUÉBEC to manage the RecycFluo program.

2022 Annual Report

Program funding

RecycFluo is a not-for-profit program funded by the Environmental Handling Fees (commonly called eco fees or recovery fees) included in the point-of-sale price of all mercury-containing lights sold in Quebec, since October 1, 2012.

This fee varies depending on the type and size of the bulbs. EHF is not a tax, is not remitted to the government nor a refundable deposit. It is, also, subject to sales tax.

Collected and remitted to the program by members, Environmental Handling Fees are used to cover the program’s expenses: collection, transportation, products end-of-life recycling as well as outreach and promotional activities.

Here are the details of the recovery fees:

Program fees

Light categoriesSizeFee per unitFee per unit
(From July 1, 2024)
Fluorescents tubes or UV (A or B)2 feet and less$0.30$0.35
Fluorescents tubes or UV (A or B)More than 2 feet and less than 4 feet$0.50$0.65
Fluorescents tubes or UV (A or B)More than 4 feet and less than 8 feet$1.00$1.05
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)All sizes and shapes$0.20$0.25
High intensity discharge (HID) lamps and other types of mercury lamps such as high pressure sodium, mercury vapor and metal halide, UV-C, germicidal, xenon and UHP (Ultra High Performance) replacement lampsAll sizes and shapes$1.10$1.35

Become a
recycling location

Contribute to the safe recycling of end-of-life mercury-containing lights! Become a RecycFluo recycling location and help us expand our collection network across the province. 

To learn more, contact us.

Contact us